If you are like me, then you probably believe in true love stories and the idea that there is someone who was created specifically for you. I love everything that has to do with rose petals and bright smiles and colours and happy endings! In this world we live in, however, people don’t believe that love exists. The sad truth though is that people are getting into relationships, not because of love, but because of lust. Also, I feel that sometimes they don’t open their hearts because everybody is afraid of being hurt. With all these reasons, no one is then willing to wait on true love. We have become so impatient to wait for our God ordained partners. “Waiting is such a drag!” or “YOLO”, they say. While it is true that you only have this one chance on earth, I feel that this phrase is used recklessly. You need to be careful about what you do today because today’s choices affects tomorrow’s outcome, just so you know. Teach yourself not to settle for less than what you deser...