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True Love is Worth the Wait

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If you are like me, then you probably believe in true love stories and the idea that there is someone who was created specifically for you. I love everything that has to do with rose petals and bright smiles and colours and happy endings! In this world we live in, however, people don’t believe that love exists. The sad truth though is that people are getting into relationships, not because of love, but because of lust. Also, I feel that sometimes they don’t open their hearts because everybody is afraid of being hurt. With all these reasons, no one is then willing to wait on true love.  We have become so impatient to wait for our God ordained partners. “Waiting is such a drag!” or “YOLO”, they say. While it is true that you only have this one chance on earth, I feel that this phrase is used recklessly. You need to be careful about what you do today because today’s choices affects tomorrow’s outcome, just so you know.
Teach yourself not to settle for less than what you deserve. Ladies, you were not created to be somebody’s ‘side chick’ or even ‘main chick’ (I feel that this perception of main chick makes it acceptable for him to have other people for as long as you know and accept that you are the MAIN one). None of that is okay. You were created to be the ONLY one. Also, understand this; if you are being abused, know that you are not the problem. Don’t subject yourself to such cruelty. It is time to stop compromising your purity for someone who does not even intend to stay or worse, someone who is unsure of themselves and giving parts of yourself to people who don’t even deserve you which causes you to lose yourself in the process. Who you give your heart to is at your discretion, remember that. You are a dime, fellow lady and gentleman. Don’t you think that it is about time that you see yourself as exactly that?
Don’t be in a rush to get him or her tonight. It all takes time and good things surely do come to those who wait. What I learned from waiting is that it makes you appreciate what you have been waiting for even more when it does come. Think of it this way, when you go out shopping on somebody else’s account, for example, you sort of just take things from the shelves without really caring about the price because you are not paying but had it been your money (that you probably worked really hard to get) then you might just be extra careful on how you spend it and what you spend it on. In contrast to waiting, the effort that you put into waiting is what will cause you to place value on whom or what you wait for. Would you really just surrender yourself to someone who does not care about you after years of waiting for someone who will love and care for you for real? I don’t think so. Make your wait worth the while.

Just a reminder, there is no shame in being single. There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with it! Learn to be comfortable with being alone instead of getting into or being in toxic relationships only because you feel like you won’t be able to manage on your own. I think it’s actually a blessing to be single because you get the opportunity to work on yourself. You need to understand that relationships are about give and take and you are ONE (yourself) before you are anybody else’s or with somebody. That’s why it’s important for you to be filled before getting into a relationship. You are like a cup. You need to fill yourself up with all sorts of goodness that you can pour into your significant other. But if you do not take the time to fill yourself up then you won’t have anything to offer. So fill yourself up with all things constructive, beautiful and long lasting. Take time to get to know yourself, take up new hobbies, read books and empower yourself but most importantly, LOCK UP YOUR HEART AND GIVE IT TO GOD; HE WILL GIVE IT TO THE RIGHT PERSON.

I have experienced love in ways I thought I never could and because of this, I believe that if you simply wait, it shall come to you too.
Image result for gods timing and relationships


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