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Showing posts from November, 2017


‘I am leaving’, he said. Her body immediately began to tremble, and trying not to drown in a pool of tears, she manages to utter the words, ‘What do you mean?’. She’s afraid of what he might say and honestly, she knows exactly what he means. Without hesitation and much care, he responds in a harsh tone, ‘What do you mean what do I mean? I am leaving YOU! Geez. You don’t understand English now?” She began to cry and immediately goes down on her knees. ‘William please’, she begged, ‘we can make it work. I will try harder, I promise. Please don’t leave me, please.’ He pushed her out of the way and heads to the bedroom. She runs after him, still begging. To be healed To be loved To be appreciated This is all she wants, it’s all she’s ever wanted. Many came, promised her the world. More left. It was always one thing or the other. It’s either ‘She was too good’ or that ‘She wasn’t enough’ And now she’s with a man, who beats her but she tolerates it because well, at least...

Let Your Light Shine Bright

So I was looking at my past pictures and I have to say, I cannot believe how much I have grown. By that, I don’t simply mean physically but spiritually as well. It is funny but I see the growth in my pictures. I am not the same girl anymore. I am not the same person I was 10 or even 5 years ago. Heck, I am not even the same person I was last year! I am no longer the girl who was barely surviving, hanging on simply because I have to. No! Now I hang on knowing exactly WHY. I have a purpose. I have a reason for living. If I was not needed, God would not have created me. But HE DID. Oh, yes He did. He did it all, INTENTIONALLY, on purpose-fully aware. That is why I hang on-because I am not done yet and the good Lord is not done with me either. God is intentional, and there’s never a time where He’s unsure of the ones who He’s called. NEVER. As I look at my old pictures, I see a lost, confused soul led by her carnal desires (which are so deadly), prowling and yearning for approval. ...