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Showing posts from 2016

True Love is Worth the Wait

If you are like me, then you probably believe in true love stories and the idea that there is someone who was created specifically for you. I love everything that has to do with rose petals and bright smiles and colours and happy endings! In this world we live in, however, people don’t believe that love exists. The sad truth though is that people are getting into relationships, not because of love, but because of lust. Also, I feel that sometimes they don’t open their hearts because everybody is afraid of being hurt. With all these reasons, no one is then willing to wait on true love.  We have become so impatient to wait for our God ordained partners. “Waiting is such a drag!” or “YOLO”, they say. While it is true that you only have this one chance on earth, I feel that this phrase is used recklessly. You need to be careful about what you do today because today’s choices affects tomorrow’s outcome, just so you know. Teach yourself not to settle for less than what you deser...

I am just A LITTLE insecure

This concept is not 'news' to me. It is something I had trouble with and if I am to be honest, it is something that I deal with on a daily basis. I think its a state of mind, if you ask me. I will tell you this because since I changed my thoughts about myself and how I view myself, I have become a different person. I am not about to give you a list on how to overcome insecurities, no way. Mainly because I do not really know the step by step process on how one can overcome it and quite frankly, that is a whole scenario that seems way too boring for me to write about. I just want to tell you about YOUR WORTH. Have you are beautiful. Just a quick question, on a scale of 1-10 how much do you think you are worth? In a world we live in, it is so easy to lose sight of our worth and compare our behind-the-scenes with somebody else's filtered to perfection appearance. That is not okay. We live in a society that prives on outward appearance, the number of followers you...

Yes you are beautiful but WHAT ELSE?

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so they say. I agree with this statement to an extent and I will tell you why. I believe that beauty can be categorized; i) outward and ii) inward beauty. For me, the former has to do with a person's appearance whereas the latter has to do with a person's heart. I apply the phrase (Beauty is in the eye of the beholder) when I talk about outward beauty because I think that each person's perception of what is beautiful differs. The person who I deem to be the most beautiful I have ever seen may be the ugliest to the next person. I do not think this phrase applies to matters of the heart. If your heart is beautiful then any person who has taken the time to get to know you will notice it. Unfortunately for us, society only considers outward beauty. To my fellow young lady or gentleman, which is of utmost importance to you? Your appearance or your heart? Are you doing whatever it is that you are doing simply to satisfy society or yourself?...

Introduction; Who am I?

Hi guys! My name is Leena and welcome to my blog! Right, so back to the question: Who am I? Wow, this is probably the hardest question ever. It always blows my mind when I think of how our minds cannot seem to construct a simple sentence that, in a nutshell, describes our very own personality and what it is that we bring to the table. I cannot think of a single word much less formulate an entire sentence. I suck at introductions, there I said it! For some reason which I do not know, a question such as this always catches me off guard but I will tell you what I know. Yes, I am who I am. I know that but that does not exactly answer your question, does it? I find this question very hard to answer mainly because I believe it is impossible to describe yourself in a couple of words. I feel like no words can really do justice. I am just a girl. A girl learning how to survive in a cruel world. A girl trying not to let the weight of the world drag her down at her feet so much so that s...