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Yes you are beautiful but WHAT ELSE?

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so they say. I agree with this statement to an extent and I will tell you why. I believe that beauty can be categorized; i) outward and ii) inward beauty. For me, the former has to do with a person's appearance whereas the latter has to do with a person's heart. I apply the phrase (Beauty is in the eye of the beholder) when I talk about outward beauty because I think that each person's perception of what is beautiful differs. The person who I deem to be the most beautiful I have ever seen may be the ugliest to the next person. I do not think this phrase applies to matters of the heart. If your heart is beautiful then any person who has taken the time to get to know you will notice it. Unfortunately for us, society only considers outward beauty.
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To my fellow young lady or gentleman, which is of utmost importance to you? Your appearance or your heart? Are you doing whatever it is that you are doing simply to satisfy society or yourself? I have news for you, if it is to please society then you really have nothing to offer. Society does not care about your heart but your appearance.

To my ladies, we have set in place standards that we hope for our future husbands to crack. Talking about things like "Oh girl, he better have a car" "Ain't no way I'm getting with him if he does not have this and that". To the gentlemen, you do the exact same thing. Talking about "There is no way I will marry her if she cannot fix up something real good in the kitchen" or "She does not have a body like Nicki Minaj so I cannot get with her".
 Am I right or am I right? And frankly, there is nothing wrong with that. The question is, what do you have to offer? Apart from the pretty face, pretty nails and hair (and GTI or whatever), what else do you bring? And I am talking substantial characteristics, not materialistic things. Are you the same person when your weave is gone? Are you the same person as you portray on your Instagram page? I am not saying that you ought to be perfect without the Instagram filters but I am saying, you ought to be able to be a blessing to others and not just care about your outward appearance.
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Great, you are beautiful on the outside. You make heads turn and maybe, you were even chosen as the most beautiful person at your school or workplace. Again, that is awesome! My point is, do not delight in your outward beauty. Why not though, you may ask? Because family, outward beauty fades. You may very well not look that way forever and you might partake in an accident (I hope not!) which may leave you completely disfigured. When that happens, what will you have left? Absolutely NOTHING!
To me, when describing inward beauty, I would rather use the phrase "Having a heart of Gold". It sounds so cliche, yes, but it sums it up for me. A person who has inner beauty sees the beauty in others. That is the biggest difference between outward and inner beauty. With outward beauty, a person does not care about others but themselves and that is not the case with inner beauty. With inner beauty, however, instead of having a heart that hates, envies, is imaptient and speaks badly of others, you have a heart that;
1. Submits
2. Serves
By having inner beauty, it means that you have LOVE, which is the greatest trait one can ever have. Therefore our God will honour you and His favour shall be upon you.

With that, guys, let us work on having inner beauty rather than delighting in outward beauty. Do not live your life with EYES WIDE SHUT. That defiles the purpose of having eyes but instead, choose to see with your heart.
Disclaimer: I am not saying that you should stop taking care of your outward appearance, no! Lol. Please take good care of yourselves. Go to the gym if you want to, have actual goals, take showers and drink LOTS of water. Your physical appearance is just as important.
Image result for beauty is in the eye of the beholderImage result for beauty is in the eye of the beholder                   


  1. This is amazing...
    This made me remember "the will to learn,unlearn and relearn" something I got to learn from a tedx talk I recently heard... we need to be able to filter and polish our personalities. We need to be open to learn and groom new positive energy and channel it in to our character and while we at it,unlearn all bad habits. Practically Break down bad character and build again. #growth

    1. Thank you so much for your response love, appreciate it a whole lot. Cheers to breaking down bad character and building again! (:

  2. Great stuff Bff, keep it up!


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