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Hey sister, what's that you got on?

I looked at myself in the mirror one last time. After trying on about five outfits, I still was not satisfied. I still did not feel pretty. What will they think? Do I look okay? Am I showing too much skin or is it just enough? Man, maybe I need a wardrobe change. What type of shoes will go with this? Then I heard my dad call, "Let's go! We will be late". My heart was kind of heavy but I left the room anyway.

I grew up in a Christian household and we were always encouraged to dress 'modestly' but I just never understood why. Okay yes, I needed to look presentable. That is all I knew but it is actually deeper than that.
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I know I am probably stepping on some toes with this one but I just had to share. When you get up in the morning and are getting ready, what goes through your mind when you are picking out your clothes? Personally, I used to think "I hope someone notices me". This statement came from both a sexual and popularity point. I wanted the boys to think I am pretty, even though it made me uncomfortable when they looked at me or approached me. I wanted other girls to notice me too but I never wanted to be in competition with any of them. So I learnt that what I really wanted was recognition and for somebody to see my 'beauty' and not necessarily their approval. This may sound a little confusing but that's how I see it now.
So again, when you put on that skirt that you know is way above your knees, that skirt that you know you can't bend while you are in it, that dress/skirt that you are constantly pulling down or a top that even makes you so uncomfortable because your cleavage is all over the place, what goes through your mind? What are your intentions? What does your heart look like?

I did not plan to get biblical with this but now that we are here, let us read Proverbs 7:10 Then out came a woman to meet him, dressed LIKE a prostitute AND with crafty intent. Crafty intent means being skilled in deviousness and/or deception. WOW. Did you know that your intentions are usually revealed in the way that you dress? Ladies, we also need to understand that we will be addressed according to the way that we dress.
You may ask, what does it matter how I dress anyway? Firstly, dressing lustfully attracts the wrong people into your life and one other very important reason why you need to watch what you wear is the fact that you will cause men to lust over you. You do not want that. The young man will sin and stumble because of you. You need to understand that it is already in our nature to be sexually attracted to another and dressing the part just speeds up the process. This is not good because as a child of God you need to draw people closer to God and not further away (People tend to move away from God when they sin because they think God does not love them anymore. That is not how it works by the way. His grace is sufficient for you).

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One of the main reasons that make us want people to notice us is the fact that we are insecure, we do not know our worth and who we are in Christ. 
I encourage you to take time to get to know your identity in Christ so that you may be able to reign over every single insecurity in this life.
Modesty stems from a heart that is not prideful and self serving but rather, from a humble heart,It is only when you have accepted yourself for who you are and your flaws that you can be humble and when humility dwells in you, you start to dress and speak like it. 

Remember, your body is the temple of the living God, treat it as such 💗. 
Be Blessed, Sisters.
Image result for modesty and heart


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