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A Letter to Scarlet

Scarlet was a bright girl. To some, it seemed as though she had it altogether. Her smile looked like it cure diseases. Her presence was so vibrant that people wondered how she did it.
'Where is she from?', they would ask. Little did they know all that was behind her smile.

Behind the beautiful smile, lay hidden brokenness, heartaches and parts of her she was not sure how to express or to whom.
She wasn't perfect but she made herself out to be. Yep, she done played herself. She would go home at night and cry herself to sleep. She wasn't happy but she played the part so well, so well that she began believing it. Yes, she was a nice person, but that's all she had going for her.

Then one day, she heard about a God who can heal. She doubted it because her entire lifetime, everyone who said would heal her never could. Heck, she didn't even know what she needed healing from. Oh Scarlet. So lost. So broken. Never really knowing, or better yet, never really sure where the pain came from. She didn't know much about this God, but she heard the most.

They told her, "He is the Creator of heaven and earth. But she said, " Science says otherwise."
Again they said, "He is the God of Abraham and Jacob" and with much ignorance she replied, "Who are these people?"
They continued to speak to her and said, "He made you, fearfully and wonderfully"
She could not help but fall on her knees and with tears in her eyes, she said: "How? Whatever do they mean? Me, fearfully and wonderfully? How can that be? I am a mess."

That was the truth. She was a mess. She needed someone to tell her that it will be okay and mean it. She searched for this sense of safety high and low, here and there, but never found it. She had not given up yet, but she grew tired. Playing happy was no longer fun. She wondered why she could not experience genuine joy.

She came to the end of herself and decided to turn to this 'God' - Creator of Heaven and Earth, Healer, Redeemer, Provider and Protector.

As she began to draw close to Him, He drew even closer. In exchange for her sorrows, she received Joy. Where her strength ran out, His began. She had peace which she could not understand or explain to anybody. She was finally happy!
All she needed was a touch from Him and now, she was crowned with Glory and Favour.

She asked Him why He does what He does. He said,
"My child, I love you. I am happy that you are home now. You do not see me now, that is why I am writing to You. To remind you of my love for you and my faithfulness towards you. I have come that you may be set free." -God

All along, this had been His letter to Scarlet and only now did she read it.❤


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